"Heading Home" named 2024 BEST IN NARRATIVE Category by NOAPS
Associate Membership exhibit! National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society
Artwork recently sold, exhibit news and assorted other art tidbits!

SOLD: to private art collector
"The Coming Storm", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Slow Sail Home", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Dog In the Shadows", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Yes, there is a heaven", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Half Dome", oil on wood

SOLD: to private art collector
"The Magic Act", oil on canvas
SOLD: to private art collector
"Heading Home",
acrylics on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Flowers", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Tall Palm", oil on canvas

SOLD: to private art collector
"Crow Chat", oil on panel
SOLD: to private art collector
"Waiting by the Pond"
Egg Tempera on panel

SOLD: to private art collector
"Crying Crow", oil on canvas
SOLD: to private art collector
A Woman and Her Crow
oil on canvas
Exhibit participation